Home is where the heart is. But if you’ve just moved into your new place and things don’t feel quite right, don’t panic, your new house will soon feel like a home.

Sometimes the first few weeks of living somewhere different can be more stressful than the actual buying process. Disorganisation, unfamiliar surroundings, setting up bills, remembering to provide a new address for all your mail: it can be a lot.

Making a new house comfortable doesn’t happen overnight, but there are some ways to speed up the process and give you that warm, cosy feeling when you step in the door.

Redecorate straightaway

The chances are that your taste is different to the previous homeowners. But even if it isn’t, redecorating is still a good idea.

The longer you wait, the harder it’ll be to change things around. Once the furniture is down, kids, work, or another distraction will delay redecorating. Paint, wallpaper, recarpet, any of these things can help you make the house feel more like your own.

Newer houses will need less redecoration, for example these new homes in Darlington come with pristine walls that are ready for you to simply dress with prints, pictures and mirrors. Houses such as these will feel comfortable sooner as you won’t have to spend time stripping away wallpaper, removing dated features or taking out unattractive light fixtures.

dad reading to kids at home

Unpack straight away

The chances are, if you haven’t unpacked that big box of books in the corner, you’re not going to do it for a long time. It’s important to remember that these are your things; they’re familiar and will likely be comforting to you.

Once you’ve unpacked or put up all the furniture, start on the little things. They’ll not only fill up the empty space, but they’ll make your surroundings feel more like home.

If you’re avoiding unpacking certain boxes, it could be a good opportunity to have a clear out. Consider what you need, then the things you want to keep. Buying new things is also a good way to decorate.

Know your local area

This doesn’t relate specifically to a new house, but knowing your community will help you feel more at home. For example, what streets surround your house? Where’s the nearest, park, supermarket, bus stop? These things may not feel as important immediately, but when you’re lost driving home from work, they will.

Order a takeout while you’re unpacking, or go for a walk to take a break. Once you know your local area, you will start to feel more at home.

Make it comfortable

Setting up your furniture is one thing, but if you’re moving into a bigger place or you’ve had a clear out, things may look a little bare. Adding personal touches like blankets, pictures and ornaments are a good way to make your house feel like your own. Even little things such as fridge magnets will make it feel less of a show house and more like somewhere you can relax.

Improve the atmosphere

Even after you’ve moved all your things in, your new home may feel a little strange. If you’re caught in the middle between your old house and your new one, remember that the atmosphere being warm and comfortable is probably a big factor in why you’re feeling this way.

Purchase some nice lighting, for example fairy lights are becoming more popular in bedrooms for younger homeowners. Then light up some candles, put a familiar program on the TV and change into your pyjamas. It’s your home after all, where you can relax and enjoy your time. Knowing your home is a safe space that you can unwind will make you want to spend more time there.

Throw a housewarming party

Seeing your friends and family in your new home will enforce the feeling that it is your home. Take time to show them around and show off your decorating skills. Moving is a stressful time, letting others see your hard work is a good reward.

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Holly MacDonald
Holly studied Digital Journalism at University of Strathclyde. A single mum, her young son Thomas battles for adulation with her love of wine and chocolate, and the very occasional guilt-driven Gym appearance. Other than writing, Holly has a love for making jewellery, thanks to her beloved grandmother.