Whether you are a new student or planning on starting University in the future, you may find yourself in situations where you need some help. You may need help for medical reasons or personal family issues, but knowing what to do and who to see will help reduce stress when you need it least. 

When starting University, you will be given a list of different departments you may need to access. Keeping this information safe can help you at a later time when it may be relevant. In this article, we will discuss some different reasons you may need help and how you can access this with as little stress as possible. 

university student struggling
Mental health issues are an illness too


If you find yourself in a position where you are too unwell to participate fully in your course, you can get a student or university mitigation letter. A mitigating circumstances letter is a letter you can provide to your university to explain your situation. The letter may also specify if you can continue your course or need to make alternative arrangements to continue your studies. 

In most situations, you will get this from your GP; however, there are other ways you can access it. You may also be referred to the university administration to see if there is anything they can do to help, whether this is extensions with your deadlines or differences in how you are taught. 

student struggles to concentrate
Bereavement can severely impact concentration and retention

Personal Or Family Issues

As previously mentioned, a mitigating circumstances letter can also be used for personal or family issues. Most of the time, this is a way to tell your university that you are struggling and need help. As with a letter for long-term sickness, it can be used to discuss family issues and mental health problems. 

However, these are only for situations where you are severely affected and cannot continue your studies as expected.

You can also speak to your lecturers before looking for a letter of mitigating circumstances. There may be things your lecturer and university can help support you with before you need to take a leave of absence, for example. 

You may only need a mitigating circumstances letter if you need to retake an exam or need to repeat something due to the situation that was ongoing during the time you took the exam. 


If you have concerns over how you are studying, how well you are doing, or if you are finding things difficult, your university will have people you can speak to about this. 

If you find the way you are studying difficult compared to how you have studied previously, it may work to speak with your lecturer. Your lecturer can signpost or facilitate the diagnosis of dyslexia and other learning disabilities in some cases. A diagnosis of learning needs can help you learn more effectively but also may help you access funding to help with your studies. 


Being in University does not mean you need to struggle without help. If you are struggling, there is help available and support that can help you continue or repeat some areas of your course if the need arises. It is important to have good communication with your lecturers and access your GP if needed for help. Enjoy your course, and do not let life stop you. 

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Holly MacDonald
Holly studied Digital Journalism at University of Strathclyde. A single mum, her young son Thomas battles for adulation with her love of wine and chocolate, and the very occasional guilt-driven Gym appearance. Other than writing, Holly has a love for making jewellery, thanks to her beloved grandmother.