Do you know which Skin-Care Devices dermatologists use at home? Before you invest in gadgets whose manufacturers promise glowing skin, check what the experts say. While treatments in beauty salons were popular in previous years, today’s home beauty routines have received a serious upgrade.
They prevent sagging of the skin and loss of tone. Over the years, the skin has lost volume, and laser dermatology can now be performed in the comfort of your own home. Gadgets are there to make us more rested and to cover all blemishes or pimples on the face.
Such treatments with appropriate serums can also serve as an excellent base for makeup.
1.   Dermalux Flex MD
Fat redistribution, muscle thinning and facial bone remodelling contribute to poor appearance. However, everyone’s shortcomings manifest differently. Someone has a tired or sad facial expression, drooping corners of the lips or dark circles under the eyes.
Changes occur at different levels and parts of the face, but if you want to slow down this process, try The most significant advantage is that it works on the entire surface of the face. Not only will it tighten it, but you will also get a better skin texture.
It is a larger device, so it would be a good idea to consider storage before purchasing. Contains three clinically proven colours: blue, red and near-infrared (NIR). You can also use a combination of several colours during a session.
You start the treatment by placing the canopy around your head, face and neck or simply lying on a flat surface. For example, red and NIR wavelengths reduce inflammation, increase blood flow and stimulate collagen production.
The end result is elastic, fresh and hydrated skin. The gentle heat generated by using the device relieves pain in muscles and joints.

2.   Skin LED Light Therapy Masks
This mask is a total hit in the world because it gives the first results after only a few treatments. It stimulates the regeneration of the inner layers of the skin, and you choose the colour of the LED light depending on the problem you want to eliminate. Who is the device recommended for?
Most of the users fall into the group of people who have some kind of acne. It’s especially useful for infections, which means all those popping pimples can sigh relief. Experts strictly forbid squeezing pimples at home because they cause scars.
If you’ve been prone to this behaviour in the past, an LED mask treatment can make your complexion even and glow. What problems does the mask work on? With it, you will remove spots and hyperpigmentation on the skin, reduce wrinkles and refresh your face.
The LED lights activate the cells, and more protein is produced. However, it is crucial to choose a suitable mask and light beam. The choice depends on the type of skin and the condition of the face because each light has a different effect.
For example, blue light works on bacteria. Red works on the same principle but promotes circulation at a higher level. When you mix these two lights, you get a purple light that regenerates the skin and has an antibacterial effect.
In this case, it has a preventive effect on oily skin because it prevents the appearance of new acne. The orange LED face light works on dehydrated skin by restoring its radiance. If you want to remove tiny red dots from your cheeks and nose, try a yellow LED light.
Finally, you can choose between green and white. The first one is used to remove spots due to hyperpigmentation, while the white one is used primarily to maintain the Ph value of the face.
3.   NuFace
It is one of the most valued cosmetic tools, as it helps shape and tone the face and neck. That’s really how NuFace works. It is a microcurrent tool that combines with a soothing face gel.
Dermatologists recommend that you use it three times undivided, and you can find it at different points of sale. How to use it? The procedure is straightforward. It is enough to pass a few times over the critical parts of the face, such as the cheeks and chin.
The entire treatment is completed in a few minutes, and the positive effect is immediately noticeable.
4.   Sonic Rose Quartz Beauty Roller
No one has not heard of the rose quartz facial massage roller. However, did you know that there is also a sonic version? The combination of cold roller and vibration will please your face. Carefully choose the serum you will use because it must suit you. When you don’t want the vibration, turn off the device and use it like a regular roller. The rich mineral composition of this semi-precious stone is absorbed into your skin over time. You will get rid of fine lines while your skin will become more elastic.
This tool is tiny but practical. Gentle movements will stimulate microcirculation and prepare the skin for all skincare products. The result is maximum absorption of the selected preparations and tightening of the skin by the mechanism of the device. The difference between a sonic and a regular roller is in the amount of pressure. The technique is almost the same, but the sonic version enables better lymphatic drainage and strengthening of the facial muscles.

5.   Dr Dennis Gross Pro Facial Steamer
If you also like DIY beauty treatments, you must buy this device. Luxurious micro-steam technology hydrates and purifies the skin at the same time. It is enough to use for ten minutes. After a few minutes, the skin becomes softer; therefore, removing dead skin, dirt and blackheads are easier.
The steam from the device deeply cleanses the face, stimulates blood circulation and prevents signs of ageing. The device is easy to use, clean and emits steam quickly. It is suitable for women and men.
For best results, follow expert advice. They say two minutes of steaming is enough to get started. After that, apply a scrub, and then steam your face more. Once you’ve removed the scrub, apply the serum and hydrating cream.
Contouring and antiaging of the entire face can be performed using the Skincare Device. This way, you treat depressions, bulges and even asymmetries. You must wait for bigger results, but they are undoubtedly present.
Therefore, it does not change the appearance of the face, but it becomes tighter. In combination with the appropriate skincare routine, it will eliminate wrinkles. These devices are entirely non-invasive, you will not feel pain or get swelling and bruises.
After use, you can go to lunch or a business meeting and apply makeup.