Hosting a kid’s party in a small apartment or flat might seem like an impossible task, but there is a way. Whether you want to order a cake, decoration, and balloon delivery in London or do it all yourself, we will give you some helpful tips on how to plan and organize the event.

1. Keep the Guest List Small

If some children had their way, they would probably invite the whole class. But this is clearly too much for a small apartment. Very few apartments or houses have room for 30 children. So limit the number of guests in advance. Talk calmly with your child and explain why you have decided on this number, they can then choose who to invite.

You can also base the number of guests on your child’s age, so a five-year-old can invite five guests, a six-year-old can invite six, and so on.

2. Pick a Simple Theme

Popular themes include children’s favourite characters, from pirates, fairies, and animals, to Vikings and Disney characters. The general rule here – less is more. The kids do not need a lot of decorations, several balloons, some posters, and a few masks will be enough, their imaginations will take care of the rest. 

kids at party

3. Send Invites by Email

Invitations can be sent via email, there is no need to print them out. Nowadays, many people consider printed invites a waste of paper, so simply create digital invitations and send them to parents through email or social media.

4. Make Your Own Decorations

Since we are talking about small apartments, you will not need many decorations so you can do them yourself. Depending on the theme, you can print out and make masks for kids out of paper, inflate a few balloons, and so on. The great thing about children is they have an amazing imagination, so even simple décor will do the trick.

5. Keep the Menu Small

A large menu with many choices may seem like a good idea at first glance because children often are very picky and this way they can choose what they want to eat. However, a lot of choices are also a lot of work and sometimes just unnecessary.

If you only prepare one kind of muffin, a punch bowl, snacks, and a few mini pizzas, every kid will like some of it. In general, children do not expect a culinary feat from you.

6. Keep the Party Bags Simple

Party bags are a tradition that is difficult to avoid, and why would you? Presents do not have to be something big, keep it simple: a few sweets, a themed toy, and, perhaps, a temporary tattoo. 

7. Think About the Timing

Figure out the program of the party. When do the guests going to arrive? When do you bring out the cake? Of course, all this depends on the duration of the event.

How long the party should last depends on when you are planning to start it and on the age of the children. For very young children, two to three hours is quite enough. For older children, the birthday party can last up to four hours if you have planned a varied program.


8. Set up Play Stations

In the apartment, you can clear one area and set up a play station or game console there, so the kids can keep themselves busy. 2-year-olds usually play more next to each other than with each other, so simple games and toys like Lego will be the best. 5-year-olds are more active so you might need a bit more space.

9. Clear the Playing Field

For active games, you will need to clear as much space as possible. It is best to plan some activities beforehand so that kids do not just run around the place. Fragile objects, like vases, are better to be hidden away because some accidents are unavailable. 

10. Let Kids Be Kids

Despite all your planning and activities you have thought out, kids will be kids. They will run around, scream and invent their own games. There is nothing you can do about it, just let them enjoy this day. 
over excited kid at party


How Long Should the Kids’ Birthday Party Be?

It is not an advantage if a party lasts a long time. Children get tired over time and lose the desire to play. Small breaks between the games give the children new energy and offer the possibility to integrate cake eating into the program of the party. A perfect party will last around 4 hours.

Should You Open Birthday Gifts During the Party?

Unwrapping presents should be a separate part of the program that deserves all the attention. And in which all children participate, as soon as the cake hunger is satisfied. Of course, a child’s birthday party should not be all about presents, but they are still part of it and your child is looking forward to them. 

What Comes First Food or Cake Cutting?

Cake usually comes out closer to the middle of the party. By that time the children are a bit calmer since they have been running around for an hour or so. The cake will give them a bit more energy and will keep the party going for a while more.
