Perhaps you’re thinking of starting a family and are not sure how to plan financially or practically. Or maybe, like many families in the UK, you’ve already got a child (or children) and you’re wondering about growing your brood.
Whilst this can be an exciting time, it can also take much planning and consideration to ensure you’re fully prepared to welcome a new baby into your life.
We’ll explore some of the key factors to think about, both from a practical and emotional perspective, to help you get ready for this new chapter.
Review your finances
It’s no secret that having a family can be costly. You’ll need to plan your finances carefully and factor in expenses such as baby items, clothing, holidays and food. If you’re planning on going back to work, you’ll also need to consider rising childcare costs.
Whilst money shouldn’t be the only aspect that influences your decision, it’s wise to prepare and budget properly. This could mean cutting back on luxuries for a few years whilst your child is young or saving in advance.
Consider your space
You’ll need to think about your living space and whether you have enough room in your current home to grow your family. If you already have children, you’ll have to consider their needs too, especially as they grow and require their own space.
You might want to think about moving home, especially if you live in a small, city apartment, for example. Larger families, wanting to stay close to amenities could look at options such as a four-bedroom house for sale in Birmingham or other major city where there’s easy access to transport links and plenty of activities for young ones.
Find a support group
Having a baby, whether you’ve already got children or not, can mean you spending more time at home whilst your other half goes out to work. It’s a good idea to find a support group, perhaps with other mums in a similar situation, so you can offer each other advice or simply go for a coffee together after those sleepless nights.
There are lots of local mother and baby groups and support centres, such as Sure Start, to help you during the first few years.
Carve out some me time
This is easier said than done but taking good care of yourself means you’ll be able to look after your family properly. Once the baby arrives, you might struggle to find time to have a shower, never mind take some time out, but it’s important to allow yourself a break.
Ask a friend to watch the children whilst you have a bath, enjoy a walk or cook a comforting meal for the family.