Hackers are increasingly targeting small and medium-sized businesses, and it’s not just the information they steal that hurts you – it’s the downtime and reputation damage they can cause as well. Small businesses can’t afford to go through even one hour of downtime, so what can you do to keep your business safe from cyber attacks?

Hiring an in-house security expert or security consultant won’t be cheap, so why not consider investing in some cyber security training courses instead? Here are the top reasons why you should do just that.

Knowing how to protect yourself online could save you from being attacked

It’s a dark world out there, and cybercrime is on the rise. The risks and opportunities have never been greater, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the chaos online.

Knowing how to protect yourself from online attacks could save you from being hacked or scammed and that isn’t just some abstract concern. Just last year, more than one billion records were compromised due to security breaches, so this is a huge problem that needs to be addressed.

malware on laptop
malware infections are common

There are many types of cybercrimes

There are many types of cyber threats and you are likely vulnerable to one or more of them. If you know what the most common threats are, it will be easier to protect yourself from them.

That is why, as cyber crime statistic increases each year, now is not the time to stop investing in security training courses. Prevention always starts with educating yourself on potential cyber threats and knowing how to prevent them.

The average time between a cyberattack and its discovery is increasing.

Data breaches are happening all over, but the most troubling aspect is that, on average, companies only find out about their cyberattacks seven months after they happen. To avoid being victimized by a future breach of your company’s data, here are ten reasons why you should invest in security training.

Of course, every company knows that they should have an IT professional taking care of their security. But without being trained and experienced in handling cyberattacks themselves, it can be difficult for these professionals to prevent them from happening altogether.

Businesses aren’t required to report all cyberattacks

Businesses only need to report when financial data or identifiable personal data is stolen particularly if identity fraud is a risk. This isn’t the reason for most website hacks, which rarely store that level of data.

Knowing that it is important to learn how to take care of your digital footprint and make sure that you are taking all of the necessary steps to keep yourself safe from any criminal elements. Here are some tips for establishing basic cyber safety measures.

Have good internet security software installed on your devices and know how to operate it properly. Antivirus protection should be installed on computers, phones, tablets, laptops, and any other device that is being used for regular purposes. It should be scanning regularly for malicious software or trojans.

Many businesses don’t have insurance against cyberattacks

Sadly, some companies feel that they are not at a high enough risk for a cyberattack to be worth insuring themselves against it. These people are underestimating the real risks and costs that come with an attack.

A cyberattack is any illegal intrusion into your IT system which disrupts your services or impacts your customer’s ability to use them. This can range from simply wiping out all data on computers, to more damaging attacks that could put you out of business.

The most common type of attack can often be avoided

Social engineering is a popular attack vector that gets information through trickery, such as by pretending to be someone who can help. The best defence against this is to avoid clicking on links or downloading files from unknown sources. Another way that social engineering is an attack vector is that there is malware out there with features designed to look like security software.

One of the ways to protect yourself against these types of attacks is using virtual private networks (VPNs). VPNs encrypt your traffic so no one can see what you’re doing and protects your traffic from being monitored by others as it travels across the internet, even if you’re connected to an insecure Wi-Fi network at a coffee shop.

cyber Security Training to stop cybercrime

How much protection do you have?

When was the last time you updated your antivirus protection? Chances are that there’s an expired security update on your system and it’s been collecting digital dust. It’s important to protect yourself against both known and unknown cyber threats.

Employees are your weakest link

Your employees are your weakest link. As such, it’s important to provide them with the latest information and training on cyber security so they can better protect your business. When hackers want to get into a system, they will go after one of two things: those with weak passwords or those who don’t know how to use the company’s policies. Having a yearly mandatory cyber security course will help install an ethos of practical skills like checking links before clicking, and ensuring emails are from a reputable source.

While this list is not exhaustive, here are some of the most important steps you can take to make sure your company stays safe.

Inbound attacks might get through anyway

Inbound cyber attacks can sometimes get through, no matter how strong your network security system is. Even the best data encryption and password protection services don’t make you invincible to hackers. Remember that hackers are constantly improving their abilities and researching new ways to attack, which means they might already have a solution for defeating your barriers. You should ensure your operating systems have a regular vulnerability assessment.

Learn what to look out for

A survey conducted found that 33% of small and medium-sized business owners do not have cyber security training. That statistic is alarming, considering that data breaches and cybercrime have tripled since 2005. As a result, it is imperative to invest in security training to make sure you are safeguarding your network and information properly.

Whether you’re looking to start a new venture or take on more responsibility as an entrepreneur, below are ten reasons why every entrepreneur should invest in security training to protect their intellectual property and safeguard their operations.


Security is not something that should be taken lightly. Without it, your business and livelihood could be at risk. Whether you own a multinational corporation or run a small local bakery, cybersecurity can affect your bottom line by making you an easy target for cybercriminals and their schemes.

Although there is no way to 100% protect yourself against these offenders, educating yourself on their methods of attack and investing in professional training will go a long way toward preparing you to thwart their efforts when they inevitably show up at your doorstep looking for low-hanging fruit like yours.

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Holly MacDonald
Holly studied Digital Journalism at University of Strathclyde. A single mum, her young son Thomas battles for adulation with her love of wine and chocolate, and the very occasional guilt-driven Gym appearance. Other than writing, Holly has a love for making jewellery, thanks to her beloved grandmother.