When you’re expecting, the last thing you need is to move house with the added stress and financial burden of removal costs, solicitor fees and new mortgages. However, you might find yourself without any other option, when you begin to consider that the only free space for the nursery might be the utility room. There’s no way that you can lose that space if you have a third child on the way, adding to the ever-growing laundry pile.

Pregnancy is an important time, and you should be able to enjoy it without having to think about how you can move house in under nine months. You needn’t worry, as you might want to consider how to make your current housework for your new addition.

While remodelling whilst pregnant might seem a little scary, it will inevitably be much easier than moving house, and you’ll be able to add value to your existing property. With plenty of things to prepare before the new arrival, you will want to make sure you have little stress on your plate.


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There are several ways that you can create a home for your new family. Whilst some ways of expanding your home are more invasive than others, if you plan in advance, you could take a short holiday close to home whilst the more invasive parts of the construction work are taking place. If you’re looking for something quick and simple you might want to try using a stud wall to partition a larger room. This will give you more flexibility to make longer-term changes as your children grow and you respond to their needs.

If you want to try something which adds value to your house but isn’t too invasive to your life, you could try an attic conversion. Many people find that an attic conversion is an easy way to add value to the house without having to make significant structural changes. You may need to speak to an architect to help you to draw up plans, especially if you need to make significant modifications.


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When you know the cost of your modifications, you’ll be able to weigh up whether you need to take out a loan. The idea of remortgaging your home might feel quite daunting at first however an online comparison site such as Trussle can help you compare remortgage deals, making it easier for you to focus on your new baby and your renovations.

Although a quick fix might seem tempting, if you’re someone who likes to make big changes which will have a lasting impact, you might want to look at an extension for your home. Extensions can be costly jobs, you need to ensure that you employ the right builders, that you have a great architect, and that you are entirely sure of your design before you begin work. However, a great extension can add around 11% to the value of your house and, if you make something more permanent, then you may create a home which is happily yours for many years to come. This also opens up the opportunity to sell the house, so you might be needing removal companies after all!

Making your home the best place for your new arrival doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Once you have assessed which level of renovation is for you, then you can make the transition as smooth as possible. Whether it’s temporary or something more long-term, it is important for you to make the right decision for your pregnancy and your family.
