Having the confidence to get behind the wheel can be a daunting prospect for both yourself and your child. Getting started can often feel like the scariest part, but you must support your child through the whole process. Teaching your child how to stay safe on the roads will give you peace of mind that they’ll be safe once they begin driving on their own. Supporting, guiding, and helping your child through their driving test will feel like a huge achievement for your whole family. So, there is no better time to get started than now. 

Theory test 
Often, a driving theory test gets deemed the hardest part of the process. With so much essential knowledge to absorb, it can be hard to retain important information. 
Focussing on your child’s driving theory test before they start driving is sensible. Arming your child with essential information before they begin driving will help keep both of you safe during the practice stages. 
Encourage your child to set a date for their theory, giving them something to work towards. This will give them motivation and a deadline, ensuring the theory revision doesn’t get neglected. 

theory test

Practice makes perfect 
Before your child can begin driving, they need to be insured to ensure the safety of themselves and others. You can either insure them on your existing policy or add their car onto a multi-car policy. Helping everyone stay safe while keeping costs down. If the car is their own, they should be the named driver on the insurance with yourself or whoever is supervising as an additional driver. 

Getting started can feel like a scary place to be. However, keeping cool, calm, and collected will give you and your child the best chance of success. Start by using your driveway, an empty car park or a quiet road to begin your practice. Take your time and go through each step thoroughly and carefully to help build up their confidence.
The more time you can put into practice at home, the more money you will save on driving lessons. So, putting in the effort at the start of the process will help everyone in the long term.

Do mock tests 
Once you feel your child is ready to take on a challenge, why not try some practice rounds? Familiarise yourself with a route and do a few mock tests. Find out what is classed as a minor or a major and talk this through with your child. Doing a mock test will take away the shock of their real tests, avoiding any nasty surprises. 

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Holly MacDonald
Holly studied Digital Journalism at University of Strathclyde. A single mum, her young son Thomas battles for adulation with her love of wine and chocolate, and the very occasional guilt-driven Gym appearance. Other than writing, Holly has a love for making jewellery, thanks to her beloved grandmother.