We try to avoid politics on these pages. We want this site to be a handy source of information, not a platform to ask questions of the Government. But it’s hard to keep our fingers still when 1.4 million children live in poverty in the UK. That’s not politics, it’s a human rights travesty and should not be happening in 2020. So when we saw a poem about a hungry child and her mother, we had to share it.

We will stay mindful to report only facts and not opinion but felt it worth sharing this lovely poem by @MissSBMP on Twitter titled Why would you even? Much like Matt Kelly and Sarah Pirie who wrote about the NHS, the poetry is written by a teacher. It’s not known if the writer is a teacher and if the poem is based on fact.

Regardless, child poverty is very real. Our heart breaks at the thought of children hungry and our personal focus remains in our local community to do what we can and give back.

If you would like to help, and don’t know where to start locally, then Save the Children is a great charity.

Marcus Rashford, the Manchester United footballer who commendably created a petition to end child food poverty and then has publicly driven the campaign has partnered with Fare Share.

The Trussell Trust has national food banks, and you can donate nationally to be dispersed to the areas in dire need of support. In April 2020, food banks in their network had an increase of 89% in demand, with 107% increase in emergency food parcels for children. They predict the winter to be their busiest ever so welcome all donations as they expect to give out 6 emergency food parcels a minute nationally.

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As we handed out the fruit today.
Lily politely requested a pear.
She put it in her pocket.
Whilst the others ate right there.

Later, Finn shared out his birthday cake.
Brought in by mum, with some sweets.
Lily wrapped hers in a napkin.
Watching her classmates eat.

Her packet of sweets was not opened.
They went in her pocket as well.
She had eaten her school meal at lunchtime.
But was hungry, it was easy to tell.

“I know we’re in class,” I whispered,
“But today is a special treat.
We’re celebrating Finn’s birthday,
It’s perfectly OK to eat.”

Can I take it home to my mum please?”
Lily answered, polite but sad.
We don’t have cake at our house,
We haven’t had much since dad.

It will be a bit tricky for mum next week,
When I’m on holiday.
She can’t go to work when I’m at home,
We’ll have lots of fun and we play.

But it’s a long time without school stuff,
My lunches will be really small.
And I want to take the cake home,
Because mummy eats nothing at all.”

Lily continued to talk.
A world of pain pouring out.
A child and her mother in need.
But who both tried their best, there’s no doubt.

“”We used to have food when dad was here,
But dad was not very kind.
It’s better that mummy is safe now.
So it’s ok, I don’t really mind.

I’d rather be safe (me and mummy)
Than have lots of cake, fruit and sweets.
But I put this stuff in my pocket.
So mummy could have something to eat”.

School had lots of fruit left at Half-term,
And my cupboard was bursting with snacks.
The staffroom had biscuits, bread, butter and milk,
So together we started to pack.

Lily still had fruit in her pocket,
But ate up her cake and her sweets.
Because we made sure that this Half term,
Mummy and Lily could eat.

Now I know there are people who judge
Lily’s mum (from their ivory tower).
Ignoring the struggle she goes through,
Misusing their money and power.

“Why would you even have children?”
Is just one thing they blindly accuse.
I ask, “Why would you even become an MP,
If to serve your public is not what you choose?”

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Emma McPhee
Emma McPhee has been a professional nanny, childcarer and governess for 20 years. This blog offers advice for the home, parenting, education and entertainment - #nannyknowsbest