Is your bathroom looking a bit sad and in need of some TLC? But, equally, your bank balance is looking even sadder and you really can’t afford to spend very much on your bathroom décor? Fear not, there are some bathroom decorations that will instantly brighten up your bathroom without breaking your fragile budget. Let’s take a look.
bathroom storage shelving
Bathroom storage limits clutter. Freestanding units or over the door systems can work in smaller rooms

Over Door Storage

Some landlords, if you are a renter while you save your deposit, will not allow their tenants to put up shelves, leaving you short of storage and with temporary-looking heaps of toiletries or spare towels. Over door storage is the solution you have been looking for.

Clipping into place on top of the door, these sturdy storage units can hold everything from spare towels to toiletries to bath toys for the little ones. Removal is easy and the worst that will happen is a little rubbing away of the paint at the top of the door (itself easily prevented by putting down a layer of paper or fabric between the two).

Funky Shower Curtain

Your shower curtain, when closed to dry off, takes up a lot of space, so why not make it a bright and cheerful one, to add a vibrant pop of colour in your bathroom. You can learn how to fix or change the focal point of your bathroom by visiting showrooms and sales floors. If you are looking for bathroom showrooms in Harrogate – you can check with experts at Harrogate Bathrooms.

bathroom with plant and poster
Art and Plants can transform any bathroom


Large colourful posters are much cheaper than artworks and can easily be waterproofed by enclosing them in plastic wrap, such as used for covering books. These can then go on your bathroom walls, adding a pop of colour and dynamism without taking up any footprint at all.

Add Plants

Plants look amazing in bathrooms, adding a classy air to even the smallest bathroom. There are a range of plants that do well in the warm damp atmosphere of a well-used bathroom, or you can opt for plastic plants if you tend to be unlucky with keeping plants alive.

De-Clutter the Space

Any room, no matter how large or well-appointed, begins to look cramped and messy if there is a lot of clutter around, and the same is especially true of bathrooms, which always tend to be on the small side in the UK, especially in older homes which were built before the days of fitted bathrooms being a normality. Take items out of the bathroom if they don’t need to be there, or install cunning storage

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Holly MacDonald
Holly studied Digital Journalism at University of Strathclyde. A single mum, her young son Thomas battles for adulation with her love of wine and chocolate, and the very occasional guilt-driven Gym appearance. Other than writing, Holly has a love for making jewellery, thanks to her beloved grandmother.